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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 4 months ago
    The Appalachian Trail Conservancy sells a map set that will cover the entire hike. It also comes with a guidebook that is a great reference. The NYNJTC Sterling Forest map shows the AT from the NY/NJ state line to Harriman State Park. The AT is accessible via the blue blazed State Line Trail which you get right before the state line on road 511. When i did this section, i took an NJT bus from Port Authority, and asked the driver to let me off at the state line. The trailhead is right across the road from a small marina. There is one shelter in this section, the Wildcat Shelter, and when i was there (about 18 months ago!) it was in great shape, with a privy and bearbox to store food.  For the rest of your journey on the AT to the CT border, you should refer to the ATC maps and guidebook. You can also check out for conditions on the AT. Please note that Harriman is often very dry in the summer months, so you will have to plan your water refills carefully, and don't rely on finding running streams that are marked on the map, as many of them dry out over summer. Good luck!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 4 months ago
    Greetings!   I am new to this site, yet I am hoping to find the right place to get information on where I find the AT that crosses from the NJ stateline into NY state.  Also, map(s) that show the NY state distance to the CT boarder. I would like to complete this section in the summer, need to know as much as possible on condition of trail, water, shelter, etc.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.   Thank you kindly~   Mark
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 4 months ago
    The roads are to be reopened April 1st, conditions allowing. 
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 4 months ago
    I was thinking of starting a hike this weekend from the lot adjacent to Island Pond Road. Can someone tell me if the stretch of 106 from Rt 17 is open yet or when it might reopen? Thanks.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 4 months ago
    Yes, I hiked that day too.  It was my first hike since I cracked my tailbone on the Hillburn-Torne-Sebago Trail on a patch of ice under a coating of snow earlier in January.  Water was high everywhere that day.  Stoney Brook was really ripping.  I took the Kakiat Trail from Tuxedo train station to Stoney Brook Trail (Via fallen tree where the bridge used to be) to Pine MEadow Trail and out to the SLoatsburg train Station.  A moderate hike to regain my former level of conditioning.  IT was a cold and grey day but so good to be out on the trails.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 5 months ago
    Hiked a loop from Johnsontown Rd. Circle, using Blue Disc, White Cross, Victory and White Bar. Lots of running water and only a little ice. Finally could not go north on the Victory when we encountered a stream 10 feet wide, running fast.
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   8 years 5 months ago
    a hiker has lost her camera while hiking in Norvin green - about two weeks ago.   She was on the Green Otterhole Trail and then on the WCR, yellow trail.  Not sure which direction she took.    It is a sand colored Canon PowerShot Digital Elph point and shoot camera If you have found this, please notify me at [email protected]  posted by Trail Chair for Central North Jersey Trails 
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 5 months ago
    The SM shelter needs some repairs to the floor. There is a section with weak/loose boards, with one broken piece and a small hole. Anyone planning to use this shelter should be cautious, as it feels like the floor could give way in that spot if enough weight is placed on it. The TC has been notified, and has passed the info on to the appropriate Park Dept.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 5 months ago
      I hiked a loop from Lake Skannatati parking, using the ASB, LP, White Bar and Dunning. About half the time the trail was dry and clear, most of the rest of the time it was packed snow. Stream crossings—lots of water is flowing—were tricky. Some rocks and logs were icy.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 5 months ago
    Planning an early morning hike this Saturday Feb 6 up Hook Mtn.. the loop trail. Anyone know trail conditions/probably the snow will melt away next couple of days. Also wondering if that lower parking lot is open.