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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 4 months ago
    I was in Harriman yesterday.  There is currently about a foot of snow on the ground.  Some trails are well packed and can easily be negotiated without snowshoes, but others may not be packed, and snowshoes may be necessary.  Also, traction aids (such as MicroSpikes) are highly recommended, especially for steep climbs and descents, such as the Blue Disc Trail up to the top of Almost Perpendicular. Of course, a storm is predicted for Sunday, which may bring ice and/or rain to the area.  This will change the conditions significantly.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 4 months ago
    Hey everyone! I'm suppose to co lead a hike this weekend and we were planning on doing some hiking in Harriman. Our plan was to start from the Tuxedo train station and take the Ramapo Dunderberg Trail to Tuxedo-Mt Ivy to a Blue Disk. Anyone know the trail conditions in this area. Thanks so much!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 4 months ago
    Can any comment on the depth of snow on the Timp-Torne, and R-D trails starting from Anthony Wayne Rec Center as well as the West Mountain Shelter? I am planning an overnight there this weekend. Can this be done with microspikes but without snowshoes?   Thanks,
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 4 months ago
    Hi, thanks for the bulletin! I was thinking of doing an overnight at one of the lean-to's in Harriman next weekend. Do you think those areas are unreachable at this point? If we don't get any more snowfall, are they likely to be cleared up by then?
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 4 months ago
    I did a hike yesterday at Harriman on the 7 Hills trail.  Really deep snow on the mountain tops, about 2 feet.  Lower parts of the trail were well trodden and easy walking, though.  I'd recommend light traction devices for going up and down but you could probably get away with none on the flatter parts.  Myself, I had Yax Trax light on one foot and nothing on the other and it was okay.  No ice on the trail, just snow. It's serious winter in Harriman this year, maybe the most I've seen.  Lake Sebago looked like a vast snowfield.  In fact, I forgot it was supposed to be a lake.  Nice blue ice formations hanging off rock cliffs along 7 Lakes. Parks Dept did a great job keeping 7 Lakes clear, not just the road, but the shoulders!  That was so important yesterday for those of us that like to do winter bicycling and running.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 5 months ago
    1/27/15  though we didnt get the blizzard of the century,  we  do have lots of nice snow in harriman today--went xc skiing from sebago and conditions were lovely, some powder on a good base.  some people were using snowshoes last weekend. apparently the local ski areas are open --fahnestock and the gunks...and most of the tri state area should have some decent xc skiing and hiking...
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 5 months ago
    Did the Silvermine Lake loop with a quick extension up & down Black Mountain for the viewpoint. The route was around 75% solid ice on the trail, around 2 inches thick.  Seems that there was snow on the trail, then rain fell on top of the snow, then temps dropped before any of that could melt & the result was ice all over trails which don't usually accumulate water.   YakTrax or MicroSpikes were essential.  There was no way this hike could be done without the extra traction.   I'm assuming after today's snow that conditions will be similar, though the ice will be hidden under the new snow, making for even more challenging hiking.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 5 months ago
    In response to the question posed on January 13: Route 106 within Rockland County is not closed in winter.  There is a fine roadside parking area along the south side of the road where the SBM crosses, as shown on the Trail Conference Harriman-Bear Mountain Trails Map.  This location is my recommendation though this is not a Park road and there is no assurance that the parking area will be cleared.  Parking areas also exist on Route 75, Call Hollow Road, at approximately the same distance from the shelter as from 106.  These are also not along a park road and their condition is less desirable, particularly for overnight parking- close to the edge of a highly traveled road and questionable condition of the lot, among the considerations.  There is no parking along Lake Welch Drive where the Long Path crosses (or elsewhere on the Drive).  Note too, that St. John's Road is a park road and the Park rule to not park along Park Roads is commonly enforced.  The St. John's Church lot is signed as no-parking and the church is serious about it. 
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 5 months ago
    Can someone advise as to the current (winter) parking availability near the subject Shelter off Rte 98, 75 and/or 106? Is parking available close to where the S_BM Trail crosses Rte 106? Realizing the current parking availability, what is the most direct route to the Shelter? Finally, if anyone has been there lately, any info on trail conditions or availability of water in the area would be appreciated. Thanks. Bob
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   9 years 5 months ago
    I found the southern harriman map on the Pine Meadow trail right by the power line crossing a bit up from the Equestrian Center today.  I'd be happy to mail it out to whoever lost it.  Please email [email protected]