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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 10 months ago
    All of the Dutchess County AT wells are tested monthly during the summer and they sometimes pass and sometimes fail e-coli tests. They are all posted as must treat. 
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 10 months ago
    Hi, taking a small crew of Boy Scouts SOBO on the AT In October.  I plan to use the Shenandoah Tenting site as a midway camp.  Anyone know if the water available there needs treating? Any advice?    Thanks!! 
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 10 months ago
    Another reason to hate DuPont. There's always access from the Indian Rock Trail from the lot at Back Beach Park as well as the other trails mentioned.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 10 months ago
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   9 years 10 months ago
    If you want to invlove a swim,  the Overlook Mountain Trail to Echo Lake is an option.  Park either on the Woodstock end, or north at the Devils Path traihead at Prediger Rd and take the Devils Path to the Overlook. If it's not too dry, the Neversink River has a few small holes that you can splash around in. Not actual swimming but some are 4-5 feet deep. Starting from parking at the end of Denning Rd. Head down to the Neversink. There is an unmarked  but distinct trail that follows its length with numerous good campsites along the way, some legal and some illegal.  You can complete the trip with a loop over Slide Mtn or an out and back to Cornell and Wittenberg Mtns, or Table and Peekamoose Mtns..
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   9 years 10 months ago
    You can rationalize all kind of justifications for greed,which up until now, was contrary to the TC's soul.  Very dissapointing.
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   9 years 11 months ago
    I appreciate your thoughts, but must disagree with the notion that our print and digital maps are part of the same industry as newspaper and magazine subscriptions.  Our maps are distinct products that are more in line with other media like books and music.  Purchasing a physical book usually does not include a free electronic e-book (although there certainly may be some exceptions).  The maps, either print or digital, are not available through a subscription, but are individual products available online, at various outdoor retailers, and now, through the Avenza app.~Jeremy ApgarTC Cartographer
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   9 years 11 months ago
    The industry standard is that if both print and dgital subscriptions are available, purchasing print automatically gives you free acces to digital but not the other way around. Almost all newspapers and magazines use that model. 
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   9 years 11 months ago

    Thank you for your comment and opinion about our current pricing model for digital maps available through the PDF Maps app.  As you imply, we currently do not offer discounts to members or owners of the print versions.  We do appreciate the loyalty from members like yourself, but also feel that the digital maps are not redundant as you suggest.

    The digital maps, while containing the same trails as the print maps, provide an entirely new and enhanced functionality that, we feel, provides justification for their pricing.  Unlike the print maps, these digital maps take full advantage of tying in with GPS-enabled devices, allow one to pinpoint their exact location on the map, can capture tracks and waypoints of your travels as overlays, allow distances to be measured and locations to be pinpointed using their coordinates, provide an opportunity to view satellite imagery of an area, use a built-in compass to orient the map, and they can also be enlarged on high-resolution mobile device displays to scales much better than the print map.

    In addition to these features, the digital maps are priced as they are so that they can continue to provide an important source of financial support for our trail maintenance, trail building, and trail advocacy efforts in the region.  Sales of our publications are an important piece of our organization's incoming funds, and these digital maps help toward this support.  The development and upkeep of the digital maps also incurs costs that we look to recoup with digital map sales.

    This is still a relatively new means of distributing maps for us, so we appreciate the feedback from members like yourself because it does help as we periodically evaluate the product.  The possibility of providing discounts in some way is one thing we intend to explore in the near future.  In the meantime, the digital maps continue to be downloaded in great amounts as more and more people discover how useful they can be in the field.  I would suggest checking out our selection of free maps (using the free app) to try out the functionality and decide whether that functionality for the for-sale maps is worth the price to you or not.

    ~Jeremy Apgar
    TC Cartographer

  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 11 months ago
    I hadn't hiked this track since Sandy and was dismayed to see all the hard work put into replacing the 3rd steel plate bridge a few years ago completely washed away.  I hiked it Sunday morning and juding by the number of vehicles by Hibbard and the many folks I met on my trek, it is still a very popular trail.  Are there plans to replace it?  I know it's a big effort to get the necessary materials into that area.  Recovering those steel beams and plates requires heavy duty winches and skilled operators.  As an interim solution, maybe you could build a stone stairway into the steep bank heading down to the creek that serves as the detour.  It's quite slippery and I saw a woman lose her footing and land on her back pretty hard.  Luckily she was OK.