MEVO Trail Crew

MEVO Trail Crew
New Jersey
MEVO - 6 miles of hiking trail built

Meeting Place:

Please see upcoming events for details.

Work Days:

May run any day


Please see upcoming events for details.






About the Crew

The MEVO Trail Crew is the result of the NYNJTC and MEVO (Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization) coming together to make a difference in the hiking trails of the northern New Jersey and Southern New York region. We provide summer internship programs as well as volunteer opportunities throughout the spring and fall.

Our crew is a youth-led, fun loving group of people dedicated to making a difference by designing, creating and maintaining hiking trails. We are based out of Mahwah New Jersey, but travel all over the New York and New Jersey park system. We encourage anyone and everyone to come out and volunteer with us. Whether we will be creating a trail from scratch, rerouting an old one, or moving large boulders with the powers of physics, there are always opportunities to learn about the world of trail building. Send an email to Crew Leader Violet Reed at [email protected] to hear about upcoming work trips or summer internship opportunities.

Upcoming Work Trips

No upcoming work-trips found here.
